
Browser and Computer Issues

Course not loading? Try these solutions to common issues

What does my computer need to take your courses?

To take our courses, we recommend using the latest version of your favorite browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge) on your PC, Mac computer or mobile device. 

Please note it has been reported that Safari version 14 (2021) is not compatible with our checkout or LMS. Please use a different browser if you are unable to update to the latest version.

The webpage won't come up; it just says "Page not found."

Close all Internet browsers (, Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.) and then open it again. Try typing the website (including www.) in the address bar, instead of using the link from your email or from your favourites list. You may also need to delete your cache.

It's taking a long time to load the course

Each chapter is loaded completely before you begin a lesson, and if you have a dial-up connection this will take longer than if you have a high-speed connection. You may have to delete your cache, and should close all other applications or programs that are open.

My screen is blank when I click on one of the chapters; the course won't play

Your browser security could be blocking the course player. First do a cache clean, then, if there are security messages, follow these steps:

Mozilla Firefox: A shield symbol appears in the address bar (top left). You must left-click on the shield, and disable protection on the page.

Google Chrome: A shield symbol appears in the address bar (top right). You must left-click on the shield, and allow the unsafe script to load.

Apple Safari: Click the Show button in the Smart Search field.

Microsoft Edge: 

  • In Edge, go to Settings and more  at the top of your browser.
  • Select Settings  > Cookies and site permissions.
  • Under All permissions, select Pop-ups and redirects.
  • Go the Allow section, and then select Add.
  • Type in the URL that you want to allow to create pop-ups into the dialog box (starting with the https:// portion at the beginning) and select Add. The URL should now appear in your Allow list